Hello, All-Ohio 99s! 

Please check out our All Ohio 99s YouTube Channel for some really cool videos about our members and our Facebook page.
Click on these links and enjoy! 
Next Meeting Date:  The All-Ohio Ninety-Nines monthly meeting will be held on Sunday, January 12, 2025. 
Hostess: Kay Johnson.
Where:  Ruby Tuesday, 1055 Coshocton Ave., Mt. Vernon, OH 43050
  • If you are flying in, please text Kay Johnson at 614-330-8874 on the Saturday before the meeting to let her know you intend to fly. You will be flying into Knox County Airport (413). On Sunday morning please text her again, so she will have time to get you to the restaurant on time. Hoping it will be a VFR day.
Students: You can fly in with your instructor and invite her/him to the meeting and lunch too!
Meet and Greet: 1130 – 1200. 
Lunch: At 1200. We will be ordering from the restaurant menu.
Business Meeting:  1300 (after lunch).
  • Jun Oikawa is applying for an Academic Scholarship and Erin Walling is applying for a Training Scholarship (so the applications are slightly different). The applications were attached in Deb Henrich’s emailed to you on 1/2/25.  Please review as we will vote on the applications at the meeting.  Note that this is not an either/or vote as All-Ohio is large enough that we can submit both applications.  If you have any comments, please respond to Deb’s email.  
Mark your calendars, cross your fingers for good weather and we will see you there 🙂
Looking forward to seeing everyone!!
Established in 1929 by 99 women pilots, the members of The Ninety-Nines, Inc., International Organization of Women Pilots, are represented in all areas of aviation today. And, to quote Amelia, fly “for the fun of it!”
The Ninety-Nines is the International Organization of Women Pilots that promotes advancement of aviation through education, scholarships, and mutual support while honoring our unique history and sharing our passion for flight.
The All-Ohio Chapter is one of 15 Chapters in the North Central Section of the 99s. They are located throughout the state of Ohio.
Chapter Meetings
Our All-Ohio Chapter normally meets on the second Sunday of every month at Noon ET.
All Ohio Chapter Officers 
Chair: Deb Henrichs
Vice Chair: Roberta Jones
Secretary: Margaret Hazlett
Treasurer: Peg Ballou